
The Importance of Location in Healthcare: A Guide for Medical Specialists

By Nicolas Milner

When it comes to setting up or expanding your medical practice, location is not just a logistical concern—it’s the linchpin that brings together high-quality patient care and business success. This article aims to provide you with an in-depth guide on how to choose the right location for your medical practice.

Knowing the Customer

Before you even start looking at properties, it’s crucial to understand your target patient population. Research the demographics of different regions to determine if they align with your medical specialty. Ask yourself: Can you make a significant clinical impact while also meeting your financial goals?

It’s also worth investigating whether the population in your chosen area is growing or declining. A growing community can offer a ripe opportunity for establishing your practice without the stiff competition of well-established medical facilities.

Get to Know the Competition

Gone are the days when a simple sign would suffice to attract patients. In today’s digital age, you must be hyper-aware of your positioning. Research the population-to-professional ratio in the areas you’re considering. The fewer the professionals, the less competition you’ll face, making it easier for new patients to find and choose you.

Visibility, Traffic, and Parking

The convenience of your location can significantly influence patient satisfaction. Consider the typical times and ways patients would visit your practice. This information will help you plan parking and access patterns that align with the natural flow of traffic around your site.

Visibility is another crucial factor. Would your practice benefit more from being in a medical office building where patients walk by your door, or would a stand-alone, on-street location offer better visibility?

Consider Sharing Space

The concept of collaborative work environments isn’t new but can be particularly beneficial for medical practices looking to minimise risk and save on start-up costs. Sharing spaces can not only reduce overhead but also create a positive and collaborative workspace for your employees, enhancing the overall patient experience.

How Technology Can Help

According to research, 50% of patients consider the location of a medical practice when choosing a provider. Once you’ve attracted those patients, technology can play a pivotal role in retaining them. Tools like online appointment booking, a comprehensive Patient Portal, and telehealth solutions can keep patients engaged with your practice, further emphasising the importance of location in the overall patient experience.

Choosing the right location for your medical practice is a multifaceted decision that requires careful planning and research. At Medical Property and Recruitment Australia (MPRA), we specialise in helping medical professionals like you find the perfect spot that meets all these criteria. With our decade-long experience in healthcare property, you can walk into your new facility knowing it ticks all your requirements.

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